Family Description

This group of herbaceous (except for Clematis, which is woody) dicotyledonous plants is widely distributed in the North Temperate region. From 70 genera with 2000 species are described. This family is not a homogenous group of species; some authorities reduce the number of genera in the family. Plants are annual or perennial with leaves alternate (opposite in Clematis and a few Ranunculus), usually palmately compound and without stipules. Flowers are either zygomorphic with spurs or are symmetrical with many exposed stamens. The calyx is usually petaloid, with sepals and petals often much modified. Flowers are solitary to paniculate with colors blue, yellow or white. The fruit is an achene, a follicle or berry.

Main diagnostic features include:
  • palmately compound leaves
  • either zygomorphic and spurred flowers OR
  • actinomorphic (flowers with regular symmetry with perianth segments of equal size and shape) flowers with numerous stamens
  • glistening blue, yellow or white colors of the flowers

This group of plants is primarily grown in sunny, well drained sites with neutral or acid soils. Buttercups have poor drought tolerance. Propagation is by cuttings, division, or by seeds. Seed germination is often difficult. Many species germinate readily only from fresh seed. Stratification is often required. Germination is best under cool conditions below 65°F. Several stem and crown rot diseases are serious.

This is an important garden family with the following genera grown: Aconitum, Actaea, Adonis, Anemone, Anemonella, Aquilegia, Callianthemum, Caltha, Cimicifuga, Clematis, Consolida, Coptis, Delphinium, Eranthis, Helleborus, Hepatica, Hydrastis, Isopyrum, Leptopyrum, Nigella, Paraquilegia, Ranunculus, Thalictrum, Trollius, and Xanthorhiza. Paeonia is sometime considered in the Paeoniaceae.

Aguilegia canadensis (left) with fruit and cut away flower; Anemone hybrida (right) with flower

Representative Species

* Aquilegia hybrids Hybrid Columbine
  Clematis spp. Clematis
  Consolida ambigua Larkspur
* Delphinium x elatum Delphinium